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Monday, 13 January 2014

Restoring the Tooth After Root Canal

Restoring the Tooth After Root Canal

After the root canal procedure your tooth may need to be restored. This gives your tooth natural shape and appearance. In the front teeth a composite filling material is used to restore the tooth. The molars and premolars need a crown. Before the crown is made your dentist will make a base or foundation to reinforce the tooth and support the crown. The base to reinforce the tooth is called a core. A post may be needed to hold the core in place. The post is a rod made of metal. Your dentist may take out a little root filling material from the root canals to make space for the post. The crown is prepared in a dental laboratory. Material used to make crown are porcelain, metal, or a combination of the two. The crown is cemented onto the base or foundation. 

Possible Retreatment or Surgery

 Root canal procedure can fail. Reasons for failure of root canal include
  • All the infection from a canal was not removed
  • All  the canals were not cleaned or
  • Tooth gets infected again if there is a leakage around an old filling or crown from which the bacteria can enter the tooth.
The procedure to do a repeat root canal treatment is the same but it is more complicated and time consuming than the first one because the restorative material has to be removed before the second root canal.Most of the failed root canal treatments have infection that are difficult to eliminate
You may need endodontic surgery, either in place of or after retreatment. If a second root canal is not possible endodontic surgery apicoectomy may be needed. During apicoectomy, the root tip, or apex, and the infected tissue are removed. Then filling is done to seal the end of the root. An apicoectomy is performed using an operating microscope. That's why apicoectomy is also called endodontic microsurgery. Apicoectomy may be needed if the tooth remains infected after retreatment. The success rate for apicoectomy is approximately 80% to 90%. If the tooth remains infected after apicoectomy also it will have to be extracted.