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Tuesday, 10 December 2013



Bad breathe or halitosis is a very serious  problem seen in our society nowadays.

Many people are aware of it as they themselves can feel it or smell it as odd but some people are not aware that they have such a bad breathe or malodor from their mouth. In such people it will be there close relatives, spouse or friends telling them about that which make them feel badd....

Most of the people fear to appear in the society with halitosis also lose their confidence in total to speak freely and openly in the society. It affects almost 50% of the society who really seek help in this situation.
People come to dental office to treat the oral malodor very commonly nowadays.


Bad breath occurs due to many reasons and thus it is divided into 

  1. Genuine Halitosis
  2. Pseudo Halitosis
  3. Halitophobia
Genuine halitosis is the real halitosis and it is further divided into 
  • Physiologic Halitosis
  • Pathologic Halitosis
Physiologic Halitosis is very common and doesn't require any treatment as it is occurring due to our unclean tongue surface without brushing seen in the morning bad breathe. It disappears as soon as we clean our oral cavity with proper brushing and flossing techniques

Also some times halitosis appear when we take some food materials like garlic , onion etc which will disappear as soon as we properly clean our mouth.

Pathologic Halitosis needs treatment as it permanent and does not resolve with brushing or any other means
It can be divided into 
  • oral 
  • extra oral
Pseudo Halitosis is a condition when there no actual halitosis , the patient feel so that he has..

Halitophobia is a condition when the patient feel that he is still having halitosis even after successful treatment of it.


Treatment for halitosis depends on the condition of it whether it is a genuine or pseudo or a halitophobia

If it is a Pseudo Halitosis or Halitophobia the patient should be counciled properly and make him understand that he has no problems

If it is a genuine halitosis then treatment should be given

If we find to have halitosis first of all we should try to analyse it first like when is it increasing that you feel or taking some particular food or whether it is only in the morning etc...
We should at first try to reduce the halitosis by mechanical means and try to be following it for 1 month 
Mechanical means by which i mean proper tooth brushing, flossing and inter dental cleaning.

If the halitosis still persists then visit your dentist and seek his advice

At the dental office what are the treatments available??

If the halitosis is extra oral which we have earlier classified from genuine halitosis,the dentist may refer you to a physician.
If it is intra oral the dentist will do a detailed intra oral examination and find out the actual cause.

Most probably the intra oral causes for halitosis will be either due to gingivitis(inflammation of the gingiva) or periodontitis(inflamation of the periodontal structures)

In such cases he may insist you to undergo scaling and root planing procedures which are done in order to reduce the inflammation and infection of the gingiva and periodontal structure by the mechanical cleansing and curettage of the tissues with the help of ultrasonic scalers where our brushing and flossing does not reach and thus making the oral tissues clean and healthy.

Along with scaling the dentist may prescribe you to use a chlorhexidine containing mouthwash which is to be used daily twice after brushing and flossing your teeth properly(mosly he may demonstrate the correct method of brushing and flossing). Mouthwash should be as per the instruction of your dentist as he may tell about the concentration of the mouthwash to be used whether to be diluted or taken as such. Usually 10ml of the mouthwash is to be taken if it is already in the diluted form, keep it in the mouth for about 1min and then swish it around your mouth and spit it away. Most important thing when using a mouthwash is that you should not eat or drink suddenly after using mouthwash.only after 30 min you have to take your food or drink water..

As an adjunct to all these you can also use sugar chewing gums when you go out or to your office or any function. Chewing gum containing xylitol has an effect on depriving the bacteria causing the bad breathe..

I hope this session has made you people to get rid of your halitosis or useful for you to give proper advice to your friends and relatives..
Also watch out this video tooo.....

I welcome your comments and suggestions eagerlyyy.......

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