Oral Health Guidelines: Filling Basics
Determining If You Need a Filling
Your dentist will examine and tell if you need a filling. A dentist uses a small mirror to inspect the surface of all the teeth. If needed your dentist may ask for X-ray of the teeth and jaw. The treatment for your decayed tooth will be decided by the dentist after examination. Filling is done not only for decay but for cracked or broken teeth, or teeth worn due to abnormal strain such as nail-biting, tooth grinding as well.
Steps to a Filling
Before filling your dentist will give you local anesthesia to numb the area if necessary. The decayed tooth part is removed and the concerned area is cleaned using hand instruments or a drill or air abrasion and lasers. After removing the decay material your dentist will drill and remove a part of the healthy tooth to shape the space to prepare it for the filling. The type of filling that is best for you will be decided by your dentist based onExtent of the repair that needs to be done,Your allergies to certain materialsWhich tooth needs fillingCost factorCommonly used materials for filling are gold, porcelain, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and amalgam. Some filling materials release fluoride and aid to prevent further tooth decay. After the filling is done your dentist will make use of burs to finish and polish the tooth.
After a Filling
Following filling you may experience some sensitivity in the tooth. The tooth may become sensitive to pressure, air, sweet foods or temperature. Sensitivity is most often caused by composite filling but other types of filling material can also make the tooth sensitive. Sensitivity in your tooth will usually subside over one to two weeks. Avoid things that cause sensitivity. Tell your dentist about the sensitivity in your tooth following the filling. Depending on the extent of sensitivity the doctor will decide what should be done next. You may have some discomfort while biting. If the pain worsens over time tell your dentist about it. The filling placed in the tooth may need to be reshaped. If the discomfort is as a sharp shock when your teeth touch it is called galvanic shock. It is caused by the two metals used as filling in your tooth (one in the newly filled tooth and one in the tooth it's touching). When the metals touch they produce an electric current in your mouth and cause the discomfort.
Temporary Fillings
Some people may be given a temporary filling (usually white, off-white or gray) ifFilling needs more than one appointment.A short period of time is needed for the tooth to healIf the cavity is deep and the pulp (nerve and blood vessels) are exposed during treatment.In case of emergency dental treatment.Temporary fillings provide a soothing effect on the tooth and you may feel better after it seals the tooth, and protects the pulp from bacteria and decreases the sensitivity. Eugenol is most often used for temporary fillings. You will need to get a permanent filling as recommended by your dentist.
Why Replace a Filling
Remember that fillings are not everlastingly. The filling can become discolored or wear out. Fillings can get damaged because of--chewing too hard on a large filling, or fracture in the filling or the tooth that has the filling. In these cases the filling may need to be replaced. Besides this a filling may need to be changed if it falls out, leaks or cracks. A crack or leak in the filling permits food debris and bacteria in your mouth to seep below the filling. As it is difficult to clean under a fill...
Oral Health Guidelines: Filling
Filling is done in a tooth damaged by decay. It helps to return a tooth to its usual function and form. Before doing a filling the dentist takes out the decayed tooth part, and cleans the concerned area. After the cavity is clean he or she fills it with a filling material. Filling closes the space where bacteria can get deposited and grow and prevents more decay. Commonly used materials for filling are gold, porcelain, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and amalgam. Amalgam is an alloy that contains mercury, silver, copper, tin and sometimes zinc.
Which Type of Filling is Best
No one type of filling is considered as the best type of filling. The type of filling that is best for you depends onExtent of the repair that needs to be done,Your allergies to certain materialsWhich tooth needs fillingCost factorConcerns regarding different filling material are Gold filling: Is long lasting (may last more than 20 years) and is considered by some experts as the best filling material. But it is expensive. Amalgam (silver) filling: Relatively cheap and resistant to attrition. It is dark in color and thus often not preferred for visible areas, such as front teeth.Composite (plastic) resin: Have the same color as the teeth and thus preferred for visible areas, such as front teeth. Not a suitable material for large fillings. Life of the filling varies from three to 10 years. Porcelain filling: Have the same color as the teeth and thus preferred for visible areas, such as front teeth. In addition they are stain resistant, but it is expensive. If the tooth is damaged extensively due to decay or a fracture a crown or cap may be needed. If the tooth decay has reached the nerve treatment options includeRoot canal therapy--- In this procedure the damaged nerve is removedPulp capping--- In this procedure attempt to keep the nerve alive is made.
What Happens When You get a Filling
Before doing a filling the dentist takes out the decayed tooth part, and cleans the concerned area. After the cavity is clean he or she fills it with a filling material. Filling closes the space where bacteria can get deposited and grow and prevents more decay. The material used for filling include gold, porcelain, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and amalgam.
How Do I Know if I Need a Filling
Your dentist will examine and tell if you need a filling. A dentist uses a small mirror to inspect the surface of all the teeth. If needed your dentist may ask for X-ray of the teeth and jaw. The treatment for your decayed tooth will be decided by the dentist after examination.